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Christmas half-marathon
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The organizers of SIM, eager to develop and promote Russian traditions, kindly invite you to come to Omsk and participate in our Christmas Half-Marathon, held each year on January, 6

January 6, 2001 / 11:00 AM (city central square)
Omsk, Russia
21 km 97 m, 6 km
Half-marathon course makes seven loops on the central streets in downtown Omsk. The length of one loop is three km.
Our typical January Siberian winter weather of clear skies, very low humidity, and temperatures around -20 oC (-5 oF) creates ideal condidtions for a healthy and enjoyable run.

The registration will be held Wednesday through on January 4-5, 2001 in the SIM office, 13 Pevtsova Street. Hours of operation for the registration are 10.00 am to 6.00 pm. The participants will receive Race Numbers and leaflets containing other important information on the event.

After the race you will be given hot team with snack.


The Awarding Ceremony will be held on January 6th, 2001at 15.00 in Public relation center (9, Krasnyi Put Street). The pacticipants who completed the whole distance, will be given the perconalized certificate.

The overall male and female winners on half-marathon and 6 km distances are rewarded with valuable presents.

This is a unique opportunity for you to run a half-marathon in a snow-covered Siberia and, at the same time, to learn about our rich cultural traditions as you observe Siberians celebrating Russian Orthodox Christmas.


Copyright © 2000 Roman Romanenko, Dmitri Roudakov. The information on this site is subject to change without notice.